Posted: July 12th, 2022

The scenario presented three ways/levels of attempts to help ensure that application reviews are conducted fairly and do not exclude any group based on non-job related criteria. Create a post sharing the technique presented you think is most appropriate. Do you agree that some kind of “blind review” is a good idea?

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The scenario presented three ways/levels of attempts to help ensure that application reviews are conducted fairly and do not exclude any group based on non-job related criteria. Create a post sharing the technique presented you think is most appropriate. Do you agree that some kind of “blind review” is a good idea? Explain the rationale for your position. Can you think of any other techniques that might work well? Are there any potential downsides you might anticipate as a result of not giving reviewers all the information about the candidates? If you use the Internet to find alternatives, be sure to cite your source!

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