Posted: February 23rd, 2022

The social events of the summer of 2020 highlighted the reality – and the shortcomings- of police training in the United States.

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.(Mitchell Wydetic ) The social events of the summer of 2020 highlighted the reality – and the shortcomings- of police training in the United States. Graham Kates (2020) wrote for CBS news just how fragmented police training for fresh recruits is. After just 16 weeks of training, fresh recruits are handed a badge, gun and uniform and given full police powers. This is among the quickest turnarounds for police training in the Western world, who usually require at least a year before becoming operational officers ( Kates, 2020). The lack of consistent police training standards leads to unnecessary incidents and an overall lack of trust in officers themselves. Often times, young officers have their classroom training supplemented with partner training on the job. Despite the potential positive this practice should produce, it is often the average to below average officers who are paired with the fresh recruits, creating a cycle of underperforming and perhaps unethical law enforcement officers ( Kates, 2020). There is little doubt the gap between training and expectations had led to the notable criminal justice failures of years’ past.My initial thoughts to this information is primarily concerned with how problematic these revelations are.

Obviously the United States is an incredibly large nation geographically and there will, and perhaps should, be minor variations in some of the ways police are trained in each state or region. But the fact that police officers are supposed to be fully operational in society with all that entails in the same time span of a semester of college is ludicrous. This is not the norm for developed countries like the United States. Norway’s police officers go through years of education for police work, where the first year is devoted almost entirely to ethics and standards. Israel operates similarly, putting would be officers through months of vigorous decision making and psychological evaluations ( Brewer et al, 2016).no more than 100 words Understandably, having a large national bureaucracy in charge of training local law enforcement is both impractical logistically and frightening from a power standpoint. If our society suffers from a deficit of trust, having law enforcement officers be trained by federal bureaucrats from the other side of the country is not an ideal solution. My proposed fix would be to create an oversight committee to ensure that baseline ethics are being taught to fresh police recruits across the nation. Australia and New Zealand have experimented with independent oversight committees for back end, post facto rulings and evaluations, why couldn’t the United States do it on the front end and stop the ethical problems before they occur (Prenzler& Lewis, 2005)? This solution is both enforceable and pragmatic to restore the public trust. Without them, I fear that we will have thousands of police departments training what they want, for how long they want. The inherent danger is not only the absence of justice as a result but the absence of ethics in the process.
Requirements: no more than 100 words

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