Posted: June 11th, 2022

The Solar cycle has implications for how the sun behaves and it has notable effects on Earth

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The Solar cycle has implications for how the sun behaves and it has notable effects on Earth. Here you should research in the last century 1. One cycle of relatively high activity and what its effects on things like climate/radio communication were. 2. One cycle of relatively low activity and what effects were. Here is one website as a good starting point to see the recent cycles. Please cite your sources using APA or MLA Please remember cut and paste are NOT acceptable practices. You should write in your own words and not paraphrase to any great extent. Simply quoting material is also poor writing as the point is to show your own understanding. Again, you should be using high quality sources like NASA etc. Although Wikipedia can be a good starting point it should NEVER be your sole source, and it is often a secondary source and it is better to go the original source of material that should be listed at the end of page.

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