Posted: September 29th, 2022

• the student’s academic, extracurricular, and personal characteristics.

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Kindly write a Counsellor recommendation as per instructions below.
Please attach a short evaluation (1000 words or less) that will help colleges differentiate this student from others. We especially welcome a broad-based assessment and encourage you to consider describing or addressing:
• The student’s academic, extracurricular, and personal characteristics.
• Relevant context for the student’s performance and involvement, such as particularities of family situation or after-school obligations,
either positive or negative.
• Observed problematic behaviors, perhaps separable from academic performance, that an admission committee should explore further
I have attached the Common AP Counsellor recommendation form and his High School Transcript which will give you more context.
Kindly write a Counsellor recommendation in 1000 words of less that will bring all the facts & appealing stuff together to create a compelling portrait that will get the attention of Admin Officers as he pursues his 4 year degree in Bio-Chemistbciry & Molecular Biology in College.

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