Posted: February 24th, 2022

The task is to create and design a magazine article to provide an Introduction to Marine Spatial Planning for coastal and marine stakeholders.

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The task is to create and design a magazine article to provide an Introduction to Marine Spatial Planning for coastal and marine stakeholders.
The Magazine Article (designed in MS Word) should include a ‘catchy’ title, a short abstract (maximum of 50 words) and should be no more than in 1000 words in length (you MUST stick to the word limit!), 5 keywords (words that you consider to be indicative of the content of the article were you to search for it in a library or on Google), be appropriately referenced in the text, with figures and tables to illustrate (no more than 4 tables and/or figures), and include a short reference list or bibliography of no more than 2 selected key references.

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