Posted: April 21st, 2022

the “Triple Bottom Line”, (Elkington 1977),

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R‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ecently, two conferences were held, and and these two events have shown that sustainability is gaining a big part of the future thinking of people, countries, and governments, including businesses. However, sustainability means different things to different people, regions and continents, due to there being no global standard on the definition of the word. It is mentioned in different names, and terms based on the region. There are three focus areas, based on the “Triple Bottom Line”, (Elkington 1977), which refers to companies balancing their long-term economic, social, and environmental performance. However, companies have many challenges to accomplish this balancing act, and many organizations fail to accomplish this act. Elkington (1997) came up with the triple bottom line framework in which sustainability is achievable only if organizations can earn their economic profits in ways that are socially and ecologically responsible. Based on the above as the backdrop, and with the learning of this balancing act, create a company and a product that may satisfy one or two key problems that the product could solve, and also can satisfy the three areas mentioned above: Choose from the following categories: Food Industry Pharmaceutical Fashion Industry Consumer Industry The assignment should show: The vision, mission, and values of your company External strategic drivers to create your firm’s strategic approach to sustainability Internal strategic management principles and resources Clear communication of your firm’s sustainability agenda to various stakeholders Identified challenges for strategic sustainability management A product (or an improvement on an existing product) based on the following on the following: Price should not be more than $ 300 per unit Show product features, problems solved, and packaging with it The assignment must emphasize on susta‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍inability and improved process improvements Use data and research to support your assignment Do not make general statements if they are not supported by data and validation Show cost structure (cost of goods sold), expenses and profit expectations The budget is $ 1Million Show your budget expenditures and income statement for one month only. To develop your financial statement, you can assume that there is a forecast of selling 1000 units in the first month of the business. Plan to have some expenses like: materials, labor, rent, employees, and other basic elements of a business (sample budget and a cost worksheet have been provided) Evaluate tools and technologies for sustainability Review strategies for managing changing climate control laws and regulations Recognize stakeholders, both seen and unseen Find principles and concepts from the text to support your assignment Risk Assessment link is also provided within this requirement Paper and Submission Requirements: Abstract summary is required for this assignment, including a cover page Attach your financial statements as appendices in an excel format Follow APA Guidelines, including in-text citations Use Times Roman, font size of 12 pt., with at least 1″ margins. Assignment will be checked for plagiarism. Make sure that the resources and subject matter taken from other sources do not add up to more than 20% Check spellings carefully as points will be taken off for sloppy writing. Create paragraphs on each page with a new concept and do not keep writing without proper breaks. Write carefully, with proper citations, foot notes, numbered pages, and a detailed bibliography of 8-10 resources. Submit in Microsoft Word Format only. Pdf or any other version submissions will be rejected. Remember that the word count for Assignment B is 2500 words and only 5% excess is allowed. Excess of 5% will be considered a demerit and points will be t‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍aken off.

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