Posted: August 14th, 2022

The Week 1 Discussion consists of three separate questions. You will answer one

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The Week 1 Discussion consists of three separate questions. You will answer one or more of the following three questions. (1st question) Compare and contrast the development and use of GAAP and IFRS. Do you think the implementation of international accounting standards is feasible? Please explain.
(2nd question) Look at the origins and purposes of accounting and discuss how our society’s development has been affected by its use. Could our society function as it currently does without accounting? Please explain.
(3rd question) What role does the Securities and Exchange Commission play in regulating accounting in the United States? Please explain.
No first person and please do NOT use non-credible sources such as: accountingtools, accountingcoach, wikipedia, blogs, dictionaries or investopedia. CITE WITHIN THE POST.
List your sources at the end and do NOT have one big, long paragraph which is tougher to read. 250 word minimum.

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