Posted: March 22nd, 2022

The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, world governments, multinational corporations, the private sector, and NGO’S have joined forces in the race for VACCINES to end the health and economic crisis facing the world.

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The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, world governments, multinational corporations, the private sector, and NGO’S have joined forces in the race for VACCINES to end the health and economic crisis facing the world.
To date we have produced at record and alarming speed, an impressive list of vaccines to cure and halt the spread of the Covid 19 Corona virus, aiming to restore normalcy to life worldwide. The vaccines include, but are not limited to the following, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Astra Zeneca, Sputnik, Sinovac, Corona Vac, Epi Vac Corona, & Covaxin, to name some of those approved and/or currently in use in China, India, Russia, Europe, the Americas, and much of the world. The efforts and initiatives in different countries and places have produced markedly different results, both positive and negative. The emergence of new strains in several countries have made a deadly situation worse.
While some feel the worst is behind us, others are doubtful. Many are suspicious of all vaccines, and safety measures recommended and/or mandated. Some disadvantaged areas of the world lack the resources, vision, and/or ability to overcome the challenges they face. Children and students are particularly challenged in accessing and receiving the education needed to function and achieve goals for a better life and future. In this age of ZOOM and remote learning, many countries and individuals are struggling to find food and shelter, much less electronics and WIFI access.
Employment opportunities and future prospects, appear less optimistic today than it did a year ago. What are your assessment and prognosis, for success vrs. the virus. For the W.H.O. and governments, is tomorrow going to be better than yesterday in battling the crisis and achieving economic recovery. What are the odds for success and a better tomorrow for students, children, and you? Do you see a better tomorrow? Discuss.

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