Posted: September 24th, 2022

Then, go to the discussion forum for unit 4 and engage in a dialogue with your classmates by answering the following questions:

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Chapter 6 of the textbook [Attachment]
Review the material in Chapter 6 of the textbook. Then, go to the discussion forum for Unit 4 and engage in a dialogue with your classmates by answering the following questions: Has anyone ever broken a promise to you? Were those promises legally enforceable promises? Why or why not?
If someone sought to enter into a contract with you, but that party could not read the language in which your contract was written, should you enter into that contract with that person? How can this problem be overcome so that both parties can form a legally binding contract with each other? Should there be more government regulation and standardization of contract terms be-tween private parties? Why or why not? ***Note: Be sure to use in-text citation and provide references for your sources, including textbooks.

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