Posted: July 31st, 2022

Think about the market relevant demographic characteristics of your typical or average customer.

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FIRST READ THE SERVICE PROPOSAL I HAVE ATTACHED BELOW. You MUST write this essay based on the service I discussed in the service proposal. Do NOT write about your own service.
Please develop a positioning strategy for your service (3 to 4 pages, double-spaced). However, you do not need to provide an internal corporate analysis. As long as the design of your service is reasonable, the instructor will assume that the firm’s resources and the goals of its managers will allow you to perform the service as designed. You only need to conduct a market and competitive analyses that will serve as the basis for your positioning strategy.
Since you do not have the time, money, or resources to conduct full market or competitive analyses, you are only required to provide a basic sketch of each of those analyses. The requirements are as follows:
Market Analysis
Think about the market relevant demographic characteristics of your typical or average customer. Note that you are required to describe your typical or average customer, not every possible customer that may use your service. For instance, Bill Gates has admitted that he is a fan of McDonalds. Nevertheless, the typical customers of McDonalds are not billionaires but lower-middle to middle income individuals.
You are required to make an educated guess about the characteristics of your typical customer. Ideally, you should do an online search for the demographic characteristics of the typical customer of the type of service you provide. If you do so, you might be surprised by what you find. For instance, most people believe that online gamers are predominantly men in their late teens to mid or late 20s. However, if you do a Google search for “demographic characteristics of online gamers” you will find that women are as likely as men to play online games and that the average age of online gamers is around 35.
Once you have completed your research on the demographic characteristics of your typical customer, answer the following questions:
Does age matter? If so, what is the most likely age range of your typical customers (e.g., late teens to mid-twenties, mid-twenties to mid-thirties or mid-forties, etc.)?
Does gender matter? Is your service more likely to attract female or male customers, or is it likely to be equally appealing to both genders?
Does income matter? If so, what is the most likely income of your typical customers (e.g., lower income, lower-middle income, middle income, upper-middle income, upper income, or a combination of two or more of the previous)?
Does household composition matter? If so, is your service more likely to attract couples with children, couples with no children, or single individuals?
What other variables can you use to describe your average customers?
Once you have a clear idea of the characteristics of your typical customers, look at the corresponding demographics of the city or town in which you plan to open your business. These type of demographic data can be found online at the U.S. Census Bureau ( or the website of the city’s local government. Ask yourself:
What do these demographics tell you about the profitability of your business?
The closer the match between the city’s demographics and the demographics of your typical customers, the more likely it is that your business will be successful.
If you plan to deliver your service online, then you do not need to look at the demographic data of any city. You only need to provide the description of the market relevant demographic characteristics of your typical or average customer.
Competitive Analysis
If your service is delivered on-site, look at online customers’ reviews of (2 or 3) firms offering similar services and targeting similar market segments as your firm in or near the city or town where you plan to open your business. If your service is delivered online, then look at customer reviews of (2 or 3) online firms offering similar services and targeting similar market segments as your firm. These firms will be the competitors you are going to analyze. Please choose at least one competitor with high customers’ ratings.
You can find this information on websites like Yelp. Note that people are not paid to write these reviews. Therefore, the things that they discuss in their reviews are the things that they consider important about the service, that is, they are the determinant attributes of the service.
Read around 10 reviews for each firm and focus on two things:
What do people consistently praise about your competitors? These are your competitors’ strengths. Once you have identified your competitors’ strengths, ask yourself the following question:
What do you plan to do to match these strengths in order to be competitive?
What do people consistently criticize about your competitors? These are your competitors’ weaknesses. Once you have identified your competitors’ weaknesses, ask yourself the following question:
What do you plan to do to overcome some of these weaknesses in order to differentiate your company from your competitors?
Please, be as explicit as possible about the specific steps you plan to take to match your competitors’ strengths and to differentiate your company from your competitors.

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