Posted: February 23rd, 2022

This article is a perfect example of excessive force used by police officer Nicholas Lordi against the suspect John Monroque.

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.(Kayla Betts)Unfortunately, there are many ethical issues in the criminal justice system, but a common and prevalent issue is the use of excessive force by police officers. For my article, I chose the news article called West Palm Beach police officer arrested on excessive force charges. This article is a perfect example of excessive force used by police officer Nicholas Lordi against the suspect John Monroque. Monroque was accused of trespassing outside a grocery store and officer Lordi and Charles responded (Associated Press, 2022). While Charles checked Monroque’s identification, Lordi pushed his head onto the hood of the cruiser, a struggle ensued, and they ended up on the ground. Lordi held Monroque in a headlock and then punched him, the suspect did not hit back, but Lordi continued to sit on top of him and deliver more blows to his head (Associated Press, 2022). At this point Monroque was unconscious for about a minute, he was handcuffed and then the struggle resumed. Lordi knelt on Monroque’s head with his knee for 14 seconds and told Monroque to stop spitting (Associated Press, 2022). Lordi commented that Monroque was disrespectful, fighting, not listening to commands, and pulling away, however, the investigation and surveillance video contradicts some of Lordi’s statements. Monroque was treated for a closed fracture of his nasal bones, and Lordi knowingly caused great bodily harm and permanent disability or disfigurement to the victim (Associated Press, 2022). Lordi has an extensive history of complaints and excessive force and has been disciplined for his failure to obey laws and directives, for his conduct towards the public, and for violating the department’s code of conduct and ethics (Associated Press, 2022). He has been involved in 15 use-of-force incidents since 2015. For this case, he was charged with aggravated battery and spent one night in jail, and was bonded out the next morning (Associated Press, 2022). This article has me shocked, appalled, and disgusted. The way that Lori acted was completely unacceptable and was disgusting. It was noted that although there was a struggle, Monroque wasn’t really resisting or trying to fight Lori, Lori was beating him for no reason. Especially after Monroque was unconscious and cuffed, there was definitely no reason for Lori to behave this way. The manner of kneeling on his head and punching him in the face nonstop were both unjustified, and the violence itself is sickening. I also cannot believe that officer Lori had so many complaints and conduct issues, but he was still allowed to perform this job. I think this is the main issue that has to be addressed in the future. Misconduct will happen every so often, even though it’s not ethical, but it shouldn’t happen that often and it shouldn’t be swept under the rug and not dealt with. Clearly, there was an issue in this department, as they allowed his misconduct to continue without any repercussions. I think the best way to reprimand the use of excessive force is to punish officers who use it, especially too often. Lori clearly had a behavioral issue and was allowed to keep his job, this is unacceptable, and his punishment should have been worse than one night in jail.Respond to this persons discussionNo more than 105 words
Requirements: No more than 105 words

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