Posted: July 3rd, 2022

This assignment is on performance management, one of the most important processes within an effective TM system. Whether it is well-designed, clear, and explicit or not, every organization does something to manage employee performance.

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Be sure to read carefully and respond to all the questions below.
This assignment is on performance management, one of the most important processes within an effective TM system. Whether it is well-designed, clear, and explicit or not, every organization does something to manage employee performance. According to your OPTM authors, “Perhaps no talent management process is more important or more reviled than performance management.” For this assignment, you will use your own performance management experiences as the basis for your responses.
Provide a brief description of the performance management system in your organization/company and compare and contrast it with the recommendations for effective systems in your course materials.
Describe one specific change you would recommend and how it will improve your performance management system. Be sure to defend your recommendation.
Grading Criteria
Your ability to integrate relevant course materials in your analysis. Your sources should be stated explicitly (refer to authors’ names or article titles, video or discussion session content, etc., but no bibliography is needed). Note that while your opinions may be well-founded, the purpose of the assignment is to assess how well you understand course materials and can integrate them and relate them to your own organizational experiences. So, be sure to cite course material.
Organization and clarity of your writing and analysis (Writing skills, grammar, spelling, organization, and flow all matter!)
Your ability to be concise. These assignments should resemble executive summaries versus research papers. You may use bulleted lists and tables as needed
Following the formatting requirements outlined above. In other words, you should submit a one-page, single-spaced paper in MS Word format using 12-point, Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins. Do not use a title page. Put your name on the top of the assignment

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