Posted: February 20th, 2022

This assignment showcases each student’s personal attachment and their creativity. You are to build your own “Hall of Fame.”

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This assignment showcases each student’s personal attachment and their creativity.  You are to build your own “Hall of Fame.”  You will select four (4) actors, actresses, movie stars, athletes, etc. that you would like to enshrine for all eternity.  Reasons for choosing the various stars will be at the discretion of the student.  Justification for selection will be presented in a 2-3 page paper. People from all time periods are acceptable.  12 point font, double spaced.
Cite at least 4 sources and a reference page.
What will you write about:
Who are you choosing?    Explain why you have chosen them for your Hall.
What were they famous for?
How long were they addicted and what were they addicted to?
From your research, was it a public battle or very private?   Was addiction mentioned that it ran in their family, if so who else was an addict?
From a sociological perspective, were they the depiction of a drug user?
If they hid their drug/alcohol problem, at what lengths did they do so?
Did they seek treatments and what kind?

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