Posted: September 7th, 2022

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions Project 1 is due on

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This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.
Project 1 is due on the Tuesday of Week 3 at 11:59 p.m. eastern time.
You are a junior researcher in a small investment fund. Your boss asks you to write a quick overview of Tesla that will be used to decide whether to do more in-depth research as a potential investment.
Course Materials and Research
You will complete research on Tesla, keeping in mind the following guidelines:
Your sources should be current and come from the library, news articles, videos, and other scholarly sources.
Paraphrase the information you find, and be sure to cite your sources, using 7th ed. APA style for in-text citations and your references page.
Draw from the course materials to support the ideas you present.
Use the attached template with the headings separating elements. Create a new paragraph for each bulleted item. Write your paper in a narrative format, with indented paragraphs and no extra space between paragraphs. Do not use bullet points in your paper.
How to Set Up the Report
Use the report template provided below. The template is double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12-point font. Your final product should be 3–5 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. Write clearly and concisely. Your title page should include the course number, your name, and the instructor’s name.
Components of the Report
Introduction: Write an introductory paragraph. The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will be used to describe to the reader the intent of the paper, including the main points covered. It is important for the reader to understand the goals of the paper and what is being covered before reading the remainder of the paper. Consider writing the introduction last to ensure that it accurately reflects the main points of the paper.
Tesla Business and Purpose: Explain why Tesla was founded, what it sells, and what purpose it serves in the economy in general. Tesla Stakeholders: Identify the categories of stakeholders that Tesla has and the role each plays in the company and its work. Shaping of Tesla Business Activities: Explain how the social environment has shaped Tesla’s business. Look at social trends and how they have influenced Tesla.
Business and Government: Are there any government regulations and/or competition from other companies that have influenced the company’s products? Give a specific example. Financing of Tesla: How did the company finance its founding and expansion to date? International Trade Issues: Has Tesla faced any international trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas that have potentially affected its business? What effects has this had on the company? Conclusion: Write a concluding paragraph.  The conclusion summarizes the main topics discussed in the paper.
Review/Proofread Your Paper 
Read over your paper to ensure all required elements are present and that your writing expresses what you found in your research clearly and grammatically.
Submit your paper to the Assignment Folder for grading when it is ready. 
Note:  Submit only your original work, written for this course. While you should refer to your research and cite those sources in 7th ed. APA style, all writing should be your own work.  For more details, refer to the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy and the sections on academic integrity and self-plagiarism in the syllabus.
Project 1 Template – Tesla
Title of Paper
Student Name
Course Number
Instructor’s Name
Do not combine the sections of the rubrics. Keep the section headers below so that you cover every section of the rubric. Look at the far-left column of the rubric as you are responding to each section so that you will do your best to meet the requirements.
Running head: ALL CAPS FOR TITLE 2
Start typing introduction here.
Discuss Tesla’s business and purpose.
Start typing this section here.
Identify Tesla’s stakeholders.
Start typing this section here.
Explain how the social environment has shaped Tesla’s business activities.
Start typing this section here.
Explain how business and government have affected Tesla’s products through regulation and competition. Start typing this section here.
Explain how Tesla financed its founding and expansion.
Start typing this section here.
Discuss possible trade barriers that have potentially affected Tesla’s business and the effects they could have.
Start typing this section here.
Start typing this section here.
Running head: ALL CAPS FOR TITLE 3
References (to be used as an example)
Bumstead, D. (2009). The essentials: Sandwiches and sleep. Journals of Famous Loafers, 15(5), 565-582. doi:12.2847/CEDG.39.2.51-71 (sample of a library database peer reviewed article)
Christianson, H. (2004). Obesity in the 2000s. Retrieved from httpd:// (sample of Internet source article)
Hansel, G., & Gretel, D. (1973). Candied houses and unfriendly occupants. Thousand Oaks, CA: Fairy Tale Publishing. (sample of a book such as the textbook for this class)
Williams and Lumen Learning. (n.d.a). Introduction to Business, Name of first Chapter used. Adapted by UMGC and available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Williams and Lumen Learning. (n.d.b). Introduction to Business, Name of second Chapter used. Adapted by UMGC and available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Williams and Lumen Learning. (n.d.c). Introduction to Business, Name of third Chapter used. Adapted by UMGC and available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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