Posted: June 24th, 2022

This chapter is about making sure you have the right version of the truth. It discusses BI and how we have to deal with multiple variables od data and in some cases even hundreds of variables including such items as interest rates, weather conditions, and even gas prices. What is business intelligence and how can it help a company achieve success?

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This chapter is about making sure you have the right version of the truth. It discusses BI and how we have to deal with multiple variables od data and in some cases even hundreds of variables including such items as interest rates, weather conditions, and even gas prices. What is business intelligence and how can it help a company achieve success?
What is the difference between business intelligence and data?
How does ETL help transfer data in and out of the data warehouse?
Why would a business be data rich and information poor? ***Book Reference-Baltzan, Paige (2021) p. 123 Business Driven Technology. McGraw Hill Education. 9th Edition

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