Posted: February 24th, 2022

This is a review of The Passion of Arc the official publication of the Amateur Cinema League aimed at movie viewers. It indicates that using most closeups convey characters’ emotions has marked the film significant.

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I already have 5 sources please edit them and find one more source.
Roy W. Winton, Photoplayfare Movie Makers IV, no.1 (Apr 1929): 232
This is a review of The Passion of Arc the official publication of the Amateur Cinema League aimed at movie viewers. It indicates that using most closeups convey characters’ emotions has marked the film significant.
The Passion of Joan of Arc The Film Daily XLIII no.1 (Jan 1, 1928): 298
This is a movie advertisement in a film industry magazine. It shows the film is a surprising cinematographic achievement from Paris.
Wsevolod L. Pudowkin, Film Direction and Film Manuscript Experimental Cinema No.1 (Feb, 1930): 20
This is an article discuss how closeup in the The Passion of Joan of Arc plays an important role in the experimental film.
A Super Production From France Motion Picture News XLIII (Jan 7, 1928): 422
This is a movie advertisement in a film industry trade journal. The portrayal picture and the introduction indicate it is an outstanding European movie.
Harry Allen Potamkin, Tendencies In The Cinema American Cinematographer XI (Jun, 1930): 14
This is article talks about the tendencies in movie history. It shows the

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