Posted: October 11th, 2022

This purchase must include the phones and related equipment, service, and data plans.

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In this project, you will prepare the Objectives section of an acquisition plan. This will include the following three main elements:
Statement of need
This introduces the plan by explaining what the need is and justifying how this need calls for the chosen acquisition strategy.
Applicable conditions
Here, you will describe the conditions that must be met for the acquisition to address the stated need, including constraints on the acquisition such as cost, urgency, and compatibility with existing processes or technology.
Delivery requirements
This establishes requirements the delivery period of the acquisition, including the ideal schedule, and proposing methods for meeting those requirements.
You have recently been hired as a contract manager for Calum Tech International (CTI). CTI has been a leading government organization in the health care industry for over 10 years, providing hardware, software, and technological support and solutions to health care providers. Thus far, you have been impressed with CTI’s ability to manage such an expansive operation.
Robyn Jones, CTI’s Director of Sales and Marketing, has requested that you work with her on a new project. She is interested in purchasing new cell phones for the 100 employees in her department within the next 60 to 90 days. This purchase must include the phones and related equipment, service, and data plans. She has asked that you collaborate with a team, review CTI’s cost summary, and create an acquisition plan. An acquisition plan is a comprehensive document with many sections, so Robyn asks you to start with the Objectives section for now. She stresses the importance of following the established format, for which CTI has a template, and of following the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) rules for writing an acquisition plan

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