Posted: March 4th, 2022

This response is based on your reading of Drew Gilpin Faust’s This Republic of Suffering so far (at least to ch. 7). Address the prompt(s) below in a response of at least 250 words.

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This response is based on your reading of Drew Gilpin Faust’s This Republic of Suffering so far (at least to ch. 7).  Address the prompt(s) below in a response of at least 250 words.
1. Write a succinct explanation of the argument of the book as a whole, then select one chapter and focus in on the argument of that chapter.  How does the chapter serve the argument of the book?  What is at least one striking detail from the chapter that contributes to the argument?
2. Optional: This Republic of Suffering explores how widespread death and dying impacted Civil War Americans.  How do you think our experience of the widespread death and dying of the pandemic might be similar?  What are some ways in which the pandemic has already and may continue to shape U.S. society.
If you look at any other materials not assigned in History 17A, you must provide full attribution and proper citation.

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