Posted: May 23rd, 2022

This week you will investigate the legal, social, and economic aspects related to the case, both at the domestic and the international levels.

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This week you will investigate the legal, social, and economic aspects related to the case, both at the domestic and the international levels. You will analyze if your recommendations for action from your previous week’s posting (see “Action” columns of your SWOT matrix) have an adverse legal, social, and economic impact over the business environment. Therefore, you should consider the potential attrition or clash between your recommendations and “municipal” or domestic laws, and international laws, along with their impact upon the social and economic environments of the assigned case, should laws be ignored or not enforced. Look for legislation and social issues related to the business, in this case, diamond trade. Feel free to review your basic knowledge of business law and also conduct internet research on the business subject.

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