Posted: September 5th, 2022

Thomas Friedman wrote a popular book titled “The World Is Flat.” Friedman the world is flat.pdf Download Friedman the world is flat.pdfThe author argues that many factors have contributed to the leveling of the business world (or “flatteners,” as he calls them).

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Thomas Friedman wrote a popular book titled “The World Is Flat.” Friedman the world is flat.pdf Download Friedman the world is flat.pdfThe author argues that many factors have contributed to the leveling of the business world (or “flatteners,” as he calls them).
Please read Chapters 1 and 2, which describe the forces that have flattened the world. This reading is available in the Library eReserves for this course.
Develop an analysis based on the following questions:
Briefly list and describe the 10 flatteners as explained by the author.
Identify which flatteners have contributed the most in terms of flattening business markets, and explain your rationale for the selection(s) you have made.
Your analysis should be approximately two pages (250 words per page). Please use appropriate APA guidelines in your analysis.

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