Posted: February 20th, 2022

Throughout this course, you have been using different analysis strategies to det

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Throughout this course, you have been using different analysis strategies to determine best practices for developing your business plan. It’s time to develop a strategic plan that will help you determine where your business is now, where you want to take it, and how you will get there. Your strategic plan will help you implement and manage the strategic direction of your company. Additionally, you will communicate the direction of your company to stakeholders.
Develop a strategic plan for the company you have used throughout this course and share it with stakeholders.
Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation with speaker notes for key stakeholders to solicit their approval of your strategic plan. Address the following in your presentation:
An introduction with mission and vision statements
Core values, ethics, and social responsibility principles
Analysis of the company’s:
Internal environment (e.g. strengths and weaknesses related to resources, trademarks, patents,      copyrights, or current processes)
External environment (e.g.    opportunities and threats related to market trends, economic trends,      demographics, or regulations)
An evaluation of the internal and external environment’s impact on achieving the company strategy
Create a strategic objective for  the company.
Create short- and long-term goals  for achieving the company’s strategic plan.
Determine methods for collecting  data and measuring the success of the strategic plan.

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