Posted: April 12th, 2022

Titian gave an energizing push to the Venetian School. Observing the work of Giovanni Bellini (who was his master for a short time), which do you think are the innovations that Titian brought to Venice?

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Two discussions (225 words for each one)
< 1.1 Bellini and Titian>
Titian gave an energizing push to the Venetian School. Observing the work of Giovanni Bellini (who was his master for a short time), which do you think are the innovations that Titian brought to Venice? Consider the brushstrokes, the subjects, the sense of movement, the facial expressions, and more.
< 1.2 Compare and Contrast>
Compare and contrast Da Vinci’s Last Supper, Veronese’s Feast in the House of Levi, and Tintoretto’s Last Supper. Look at the composition and at the arrangement of the various elements. Think about the message delivered by the artist and consider the relevant historical, social, and religious changes that elapsed between Leonardo’s work and the other two.

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