Posted: February 23rd, 2022
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Learning Goal: I’m working on a education & teaching writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.This assignment is an opportunity to connect the material from class and the text to real children. For this assignment, you have two options:1. To watch a group of 3 more children in real time interaction. Children must be 0-12 years and be available for at least 10 minutes. These can be children known to you (e.g., young cousins, own children), simply present in public (e.g., at the park, at the beach), or in a space you work or attend regularly (e.g., family eating at restaurant, kids at Sunday school) 2. To watch one of the following videos for at least 10minutes. You must note which video you watched in your paper.The observation must be of 3 or more children (ages 0-12) interacting for at least 10 minutes. Whether your observations are recorded or in real time, you will take notes about what you see and hear such as the children’s physical activities, conversations, reasoning, emotional expressions, gendered behaviors, complexity of play, or how adults, if present, respond to them. Then, use these observations to demonstrate topics covered in this class, especially how physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional skills interact. For example, watching a group of 7-year-old children playing a game could illuminate numerous topics such as perspective taking, linguistic over-extension, moral reasoning (cheating, evolving rules), mathematic skill (to keep score), gender stereotypic behavior (type of game, who is in charge), scaffolding, bullying, cooperation, and physical ability (gross and fine motor). After your observation, you will write 2-4 pages about what you observed and how it ties into the topics we have covered in this course. Be sure to include the following information:Who you observed: (10 points)1. Provide a short description of the children you observed. Include the number of children, their approximate ages, gender, relationship to one another.What did you observe and what did it demonstrate: (80 points)1. Describe the activities and interactions that you observed. At least two different observations should be described (can be the same children but different points in the interaction or different configuration of children). Be sure to use rich descriptions (which will help us assess the credibility of the interpretations you make). (up to 10 points)2. What aspects of child development do these observations demonstrate? Be sure to focus on things we’ve covered in this course and connect them well to the description you’ve given. The description must include support of the constructs from class. (A label alone without explanation will lose half of the points) (5 points per label; 10 total)3. At least three different aspects of child development must be presented (e.g., physical, cognitive, language, etc.). The term must be specified, defined, and applied concretely to the situation described (up to 20 points per aspect; 60 total)How well written: (10 points)1. Proofread your work (grammatically correct sentences, coherent presentation, no typos or spelling errors, no contractions, no slang, verb tense is consistent, subject is clear, subject and verb match, no bullet points).2. Use APA guidelines for references and citations as well as formatting (e.g., 1” margins, 12pt font, double spaced). No title page is needed. All quotes MUST have quotation marks and a citation.Sample of one observation and its interpretation: (From observing three 4-year-old girls in a sand box)As the girls continued with their fantasy play in which the youngest was the baby and the others were her parents, the older two began to fight over the pots and pans. The girl with the blue shirt began to yell, “Its mine! I’m the mommy and I MUST cook! Give it back! Now!” She then began to cry, collapsing onto the sand. In response, the girl in the red shirt took the pots and began “cooking.” The content of the blue shirt girl’s rant demonstrated strong gender-typing, or children’s tendency to group certain activities with certain genders (cite lecture) and in this case mothers are responsible for meals rather than fathers. Also, her tantrum showed a low level of emotional regulationsince she was unable to control her emotional reactions to achieve a goal (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2020). Since she was not able to adjust the intensity of her reaction to a comfortable level, she was unable to reach her goal. Instead her uncontrolled anger stopped their game play and gave the “daddy” the pots.If you use a video, instead of an in-person observation, you MUST state that in the paper and include the name of the videoVideo Options: video1: video2: video3:
Requirements: 3-4 pages
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