Posted: September 26th, 2022

Topic 1: Using Porter’s competitive strategies, how would you describe the strategies of Walmart, Macy’s, and Target? Select one other company that you frequent and identify it’s competitive strategy. Why do you choose to go there versus a competitor?

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Two parts, please separate the topics and their sources, do not group the sources together or the topics. 2 sources each topic.
Topic 1: Using Porter’s competitive strategies, how would you describe the strategies of Walmart, Macy’s, and Target? Select one other company that you frequent and identify it’s competitive strategy. Why do you choose to go there versus a competitor?
Using your textbook, the NAU Online Library, and/or other professional resources, cite at least 2 scholarly/professional sources. Your answer should be a minimum of 250 words
Topic 2: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to using computer technology for managerial decision-making. Identify and discuss one decision, personally or professional, you have utilized technology for forming your decision and why.
Using your textbook, the NAU Online Library, and/or other professional resources, cite at least 2 scholarly/professional sources. Your answer should be a minimum of 250 words.

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