Posted: March 16th, 2023

Topic: CRISPR-Cas9 “So What, Now What” Goal: This is a reflection assignment

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Topic: CRISPR-Cas9
“So What, Now What”
This is a reflection assignment aimed at developing professional skills that inform and prepare you to discuss topics with confidence. To improve skills in reading primary scientific papers, make connections to what they have learned as a biology major thus far, and extract meaning from them in a way that advances their personal and professional goals.
Scientific Paper assignment. complete the following two sections and reflect on the topic of CRISPR. “So What” perform a literature search of peer-reviewed research on the topic of CRISPR-Cas9. The goal is to provide an overview of background on the topic of CRISPR-Cas. This should include information about history of CRISPR-Cas, the impact of the technology, the varied applications, and potential social or ethical implications that have been identified. The goal is to spend a few hours searching literature and reading scientific journal articles and reflect on the experiment that you performed. a minimum of six scientific journal articles referenced in this section. Estimated 3-5 paragraphs.
“Now What”
After a survey of peer-reviewed literature, turn your focus to doing a deep dive into one research paper of interest to you and your career interests. (anything to do with nursing please) In this paper, write a synopsis of the paper choice, describe the design, methodology, data analysis and results. write a reflection section on this paper of your choice and make connections between the experiment that you performed and the research paper of your choice. Students will reflect on the topic “CRISPR-Cas9” and on how this technology is related to your career interests (nursing). Where do you want biology to take you? Estimated 3-5 paragraphs.
the experiment that is to be reflected upon is attached
use CSE format please!
5 sources MUST be primary literature, the 6th can be any.

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