Posted: May 11th, 2022

Topic: HRChallenge: The Employee Experience –

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Topic: HR
Challenge: The Employee Experience – Pathways to Employee Success and Retention.
Overview: 4 pages (1,100 words)
At least 6 SCHOLARLY sources from peer-reviewed journal from 2016 to present.
APA6. (Any of the listed sources can be used.)
What is the employee experience from the
employee’s perspective? The employee experience is when an employee considers
their work more than just a job. Employers hope for that possibility, even
though it is unlikely every employee in the organization will attain a high
level of enjoyment from their work and their work environment. The employee
perspective means pride in their employment and a passion for what they do,
whom they do it with, and respect for their organizational leadership.
We have arrived at a time in history where
talent matters and retaining that talent is not a simple or inexpensive
process. Employees today desire a great deal more than employees have in the
past. Work has become more important to employees than ever before.
Expectations for dynamic, interesting work and a work environment that enhances
the process of work grows ever greater each year. The workplace takes up the
vast majority of an employee’s life, and this previously accepted tradition of
work not being fun or even tolerable has been rejected. In addition, the idea
that an employee’s career is for them to manage may be true, but management can
make that a great deal more exciting and productive if the pathways to success
are clear and available.
§ You
are an HR professional at a large teaching hospital with responsibility for the
areas of employee talent development and employee experience (sometimes called
employee perspective). The hospital’s mission is to integrate a broad spectrum
of clinical care, teaching, and research, with special emphasis on the health
of children and their families, for two states on the east coast of the United
§ Recently,
you have observed high rates of turnover across a number of occupations.
Licensed practical nurses, radiologist technicians, surgical technicians,
pharmacy technicians, medical assistants, laboratory technicians, and dietitian
assistants are at the top of the list of people your hospital cannot keep. You
have been conducting exit interviews and talking to current employees about
what the areas of concern are that could be influencing the high rate of
§ As
it turns out, another hospital in the area that has been aggressively
recruiting new employees. The hospital is associated with a medical school and
an external physician assistance program. They are using a completely new
employee experience approach that includes:
Advancement opportunities through joint
university and technical certification programs.
Cross-field rotations.
Tuition assistance.
Scholarship programs for entry into the
physician assistant program.
Work time for physical fitness.
Co-located complimentary daycare for
second and third shift staff.
A gourmet cafeteria.
§ These
benefits are part of what the private hospital calls a comprehensive work-life
career-investment program for employees. Your institution has a legacy
cafeteria and nothing that mirrors the other hospital’s employee experience
program. Additionally, recent engagement surveys indicate that employees are
not getting the career guidance from team leaders and supervisors that they
think they should. Several surveys of employees found that they felt they are
not valued or considered part of the organization and that “only doctors and
RNs really mattered.”
Your Challenge
§ This
assessment examines how to assess the effectiveness of employee talent
development and employee experience (employee perspective). Consider the challenging
conditions that you would face in the situation presented.
What would your next step be in
confronting the HR challenge faced by the hospital from a competitive
standpoint? Should you present the differences between your hospital and its
competitor’s programs to your supervisors or even the hospital director? If
yes, why, and how would you go about that? If not, what would your rationale be
for your decision?
What research would you do? Making the
type of changes that the other hospital made is a major effort in cost and from
an organizational culture and employee-valuing perspective.
What challenges might you face from your
own HR director? From medical staff leaders and others? The cost of current
turnover is coming close to 15% of yearly salary for some positions, and the
loss of institutional knowledge is affecting treatment quality, according to a
panel of physicians and nursing staff.
What new and different programs might be
introduced into the organization to improve the employee experience considering
the scope of challenges that were discussed in the introduction?
§ Your
job in this assessment is to use the guidance from above to prepare a report
for your supervisors on how you plan to approach the employee talent
development and employee experience (employee perspective) problems with viable
recommendations for solutions. Please provide at least six academic, scholarly,
or professional resources.
Prepare a 3–page plan that states your recommended course of action. Along with
your recommendation, include the following:
(300 words) Analyze, from a competitive
standpoint, how proposed recommendations address the HR challenge faced by the
§ What
is the scope of the differences between your hospital and its competitor?
§ What
would it take to emulate the competitor’s programs?
(300 words) Describe key factors
considered to support the major effort and cost it would take to enact changes
in organizational culture, which could be embraced by employees.
§ What
challenges would be faced by trying to emulate the competitor’s programs?
§ What
would the risks be by not addressing the differences between your hospital and
its competitor?
(250 words) Explain how to mitigate cost
of current turnover and the loss of institutional knowledge that is affecting
treatment quality.
§ What
is causing the turnover?
§ What
actions can you take to address the issue?
(250 words) Describe programs you would
introduce to improve the employee experience.
§ What
are the different parts of your programs?
§ What
are they intended to do?

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