Posted: July 22nd, 2022

Topic: Is there ethical flexibility in sport rules, participation, and gamesmanship or is any variation outside the rules unethical? (For example, intentionally hitting a batter in baseball, stealing opposing signs, feigning a dive or flop in basketball or soccer)

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Topic: Is there ethical flexibility in sport rules, participation, and gamesmanship or is any variation outside the rules unethical? (For example, intentionally hitting a batter in baseball, stealing opposing signs, feigning a dive or flop in basketball or soccer)
Assignment Guidelines
• Your paper must be 1200-1400 words (excluding cover page and sources page)
• You must support your position with research (you cannot simply provide an opinion)
• Use a minimum of 3 sources of research information for each paper
• Use APA style guidelines when writing the paper and documenting sources
• Submit the assignment via the appropriate assignment on Canvas (preferably in Word format)
••Research that topic and decide your position on the question asked
• Analyze the topic and argue in support of your position
• You must support your position with research (you cannot simply provide an opinion)

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