Posted: May 7th, 2022

Toyota and the hits toyota took during covid and the effects recalls also have on toyota

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This paper is about Toyota and the hits toyota took during covid and the effects recalls also have on toyota
Guidelines for Term Project
(Due to the Blackboard before Sunday, May 8th, 2022)
MGT 487/587: International Management
Instructor: Ping Deng, Ph.D.
The objective of the project is that each student writes a term paper which is specifically on
the international business (IB) and management of a selected multinational corporation
(MNC) (the specific firm will be assigned in class). To do so, each student is required to do some
research and gather the international business and management information and data that are
directly related to the chosen MNC. The final paper should be 11-13 pages but not exceed 15
pages (double-space, using a 12 point font, and one-inch margins throughout the manuscript), allinclusive (i.e., the title page, abstract, references, etc.). All pages, save the title page, should include
pagination. Page numbers should appear centered at the bottom of each page. The format and
reference style for the final paper should follow the style of Journal of International Business
Studies (except for NOT using two-column style; attached is one of the instructor’s recent article).
In addition, students are required to prepare PPT slides to highlight the essence of their
projects and/or oral presentation (recommended). At least two days before the presentation time,
each student is required to upload the PPT slides containing approximately 12-16 slides to the
Blackboard; failing to do so will lead to 15% deduction from the project grade. For the project,
you may have to use many sources (e.g., cases, books, and articles). Therefore, when submitting
the final paper, you must list all the sources you have referred to in the reference section; failure
to do so will lead to at least 15% deduction from the project grade.
To write the term paper, students are required to use the chosen company’s website and its
quarterly and annual reports (if available) as major resources. In addition, students are also required
to generate information through a third party sources, including relevant business case studies on
the company, and possibly academic articles specifically on the chosen firm. For the convenience
of your understanding and analysis, such articles can be found from high-quality practitioneroriented academic journals such as Harvard Business Review, California Management Review,
Business Horizons, and Academy of Management Perspective. Moreover, you can also refer to
business journals such as Business Week, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, and high-quality
internet business and management sources for further information about the chosen company. The
above mentioned reference sources can be accessed through the University library’s Research
Databases such as Business Source Complete and Academic Research Complete.
Regarding the final paper, while you can certainly tailor it to best fit your particular situation,
normally you must have the following important parts:
1) Title Page – Put at the first page of the manuscript, including the title of the paper and
your contact information, and pledge that the submitted term paper is fully consistent with the
academic integrity, as defined in the CSU Student Code of Conduct.
2) The second page should include the title of the manuscript, an abstract of 150 to 180
words, and four to six key words that accurately reflect the content of the manuscript.
3) Introduction – Normally one or two paragraphs; state the chosen company; introduce
the topic and overall information of your paper; try to attract the reader’s interests.
4) Main Section – This is the most important and also the most challenging part of your
case-based paper. In this part, you are required to categorize your research results under three
to five (3-5) subtitles in order to aid readability; under each subtitle you must deal with the
same or similar topic. Besides presenting the important international business and
management activities regarding the company, you should concentrate on analyzing the
collected information and data particularly by using the knowledge, theories, and principles
that you have learnt from the class and the course package. For example, you should analyze
how the firm strategically deals with a variety of political, economic, legal, and cultural issues
when it is engaged in global business activities (e.g., exporting, importing, licensing, or
foreign investment) in different countries. You should also analyze and evaluate what kind of
modes of foreign entry, international strategies, organizational structure, and HR strategies
that the firm adopts while it is engaged in business activities abroad.
Importantly, based on the information and data on the case firm that you generate, you need
to concentrate on either a problem or an evaluation case paper, and then carefully organize the
information and do the analysis accordingly. To write a problem case paper, you have to define
the problem(s), identify the important causes, do cause-effect analysis, and take actions to fix
the problem(s). To write an evaluation case paper, you need to provide detailed evaluation of
the MNC’s important international endeavors and strategies, evaluate both positive and
negative sides, and provide an action plan to improve or change the MNC’s current situations
through a coherent series of actions. On top of that, while you analyze those issues, you should
try to indicate clearly how they are related to the international business strategy concepts,
principles, and possibly other real cases or companies we have leant from the case studies and
the class lectures, and specify which page, which figure, or which exhibit in the course
package (if available). More relevantly, you should focus on analyzing a couple of critically
important aspects you have found from your research efforts. And do NOT try to deal with
everything. If you intend to cover everything, you are most likely to turn out to cover nothing.
Please keep this proverb in mind, “Do one thing and do it well”.
5) Conclusion – Summarize the crucial elements of your paper, clearly state what you have
learnt from the project, apply to other relevant business circumstances, and present your points
of view by use of “argumentative statements”.
6) References and Appendices (if available) – they should be on different pages,
Finally, the paper will be graded mainly on the factors such as quality of the collected
information and data, understanding of the major international business and management issues of
the chosen company, integration of the corporate issues with the relevant global business concepts
and principles which have been learnt from the class, logic of analysis, concise and clear writing
styles, neat organization, and persuasive exposition (see the following grading criteria for details).

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