Posted: June 21st, 2022

TQM and Measuring the Cost of Quality

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I’d like you to select and explore one of the following topics normally developed as part of the study of strategic cost management:
The Balanced Scorecard and Strategy Map
Business Process Improvement
Value Chain Analysis
TQM and Measuring the Cost of Quality
Activity-Based Costing and Management
Lean Manufacturing and Accounting for Lean
Business Intelligence
The Theory of Constraints
Target Costing
Customer Profitability Analysis
Life-Cycle Costing
Ethical Issues of Cost Allocation
Transfer Pricing
Be sure to include:
An introduction explaining your interest and why you chose the topic.
What you learned, delivered from an instructional lens as if you were teaching me about the topic from what you learned through your research and discovery.
Your summary perspective about the topic, as a special extension of the course material, and a reflection on any perceived value you expect to realize, either personally or as part of your professional responsibilities, from the deeper exploration of the topic.

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