Posted: August 3rd, 2022

transformational leadership

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Research Project:
Key Term Assignment Instructions
The learning theories upon which this course is based are
actualized in the Research Project: Key Term Assignment.
You will begin the paper by selecting one key term to research.
You may select any key term from Chapters 2–13. The key terms are found at the
end of each chapter. You will be required to write a paper of at least 1,000
words, but not to exceed 1,250 words, to fully explore the topic. Your project
must demonstrate course-related knowledge with
supporting documentation from two peer-reviewed articles, the textbook,
and the Bible.
The use of proper,
current APA format is required. A title page and reference page(s) must be
included. The word count does not include the title or reference page(s). Submit
the project as a Microsoft Word document.
Microsoft Word document.
key term:
transformational leadership
a leadership perspective that explains how leaders change teams or organizations by creating, communicating, and modeling a vision for the organization or work unit and inspiring employees to strive for that vision

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