Posted: July 26th, 2022

Try and find the leaders in the main organization but drill down deeper and find out what business units or other companies they lead. Many times a large enterprise may be composed of many smaller or medium sized companies and the corporate leaders are the heads of those companies.

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Try and find the leaders in the main organization but drill down deeper and find out what business units or other companies they lead. Many times a large enterprise may be composed of many smaller or medium sized companies and the corporate leaders are the heads of those companies. Drill down and try to determine how your organization is organized.
In this discussion board post, you want to look at the overview of your company leadership. In the case analysis assignment later this week is where we will do the rest of the analysis.
Answer the following questions:
What are the positions and titles of your company’s general leadership. (CEO and top Executives)
Can you tell in your cursory examination how your company is organized?
Is the company organized more into product categories, service categories, or both?
Can you identify how the total number of company employees are split up among the top leaders? (Sometimes there are press kits and other resources that can lead you to this information.
See if you can find information about the company structure using Gale Business Insights and report what you found.

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