Posted: August 30th, 2022

Type A Personality vs. Type B Personality To determine if you are a Type A pers

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Type A Personality vs. Type B Personality
To determine if you are a Type A personality, click on the link below and complete the free Type A personality test.
When finished, read what the website has to say about Type A and Type B personalities along with where you fall along this continuum. In your assignment, discuss your findings:
What does your score say about your personality? And cite the source.
What are the benefits to your personality type? If any, Be sure to cite throughout your paragraph for this answer.
What are the weaknesses that come with your personality type? Don’t forget to include citations throughout your paragraph.
Your paper should be a minimum of 300 words.
Must be submitted in APA 7th edition format. Must be submitted in a Word Document.
You can use other outside sources in addition to the website to help determine benefits and weaknesses of Type A and Type B personality, if needed. The textbook is a good source, and WebMD.

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