Posted: February 22nd, 2022
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Under federal school reform legislation, educators are required to select and implement evidence-based interventions. One source of information for evidence-based interventions is the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC). Established in 2002 by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences, the WWC provides education consumers with a source of scientific evidence of what works in education. The WWC promotes informed education decision making through databases and reports that provide reviews of the effectiveness of replicable educational interventions (programs, products, practices, and policies) intended to improve student achievement.
For the Module 2 Application, you used a current School Improvement Plan (SIP) to identify five instructional improvement targets at your school and select one target as your top priority for impacting student achievement.
In the Module 3 Application, your goal is to identify one evidence-based, cost-effective intervention for the instructional improvement target you identified in Module 2. A good place to start your research is the .
In addition, you will write a draft grant proposal for funding the intervention. Author Joanne Fritz has provided a grant-writing guide in her article, (
Complete Parts 1 and 2 and compose your responses in a single, 8- to 10-page Word document (not including the title and references pages). Use the part titles as subheadings.
Write an introduction and conclusion for each part of the assignment.
Use APA format for the title page, references page, and in-text citations.
Note: This assignments rubric is specifically designed to assess specific skills and knowledge related to your program. Please review all rubrics carefully prior to submission.
Part 1: Intervention
Step 1. Conduct research to identify one intervention that matches your priority instructional improvement target and the target population(s) identified in the Module 2 Application.
Step 2. Evaluate the intervention on:
Research that supports the intervention: Find at least one research source for the intervention.
Effectiveness: How well has this intervention been shown to work?
Capacity of your school to implement the intervention with fiscal, human, and physical resources: Are the resources in place? What resources are needed?
Alignment with school goals: How does this intervention align with school goals for student achievement?
You may follow the Part 1 Outline below to structure your responses.
Step 3. Elaborate on your choice of the intervention by answering the questions a well-developed paragraph.
What decision-making process did you use to select the intervention? What was the most difficult part of the decision-making process?
How is the intervention superior to what is already in place at your school?
How does the intervention compare in terms of resources (fiscal, human, physical) to what is already in place at your school?
Part 1 Outline
Website Link:
Research that supports the intervention:
Effectiveness of intervention:
Resources (fiscal, human, physical):
What resources does my school have?
What resources will my school need?
Alignment with school goals:
Part 2: Grant Proposal Draft
Step 1. Prior to writing the draft proposal, research possible funding groups and direct the proposal to the one you feel is most appropriate.
Step 2. Using Joanne Fritzs steps in How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal, compose a draft grant proposal in which you seek funding for your selected intervention.
Please read the before you begin working.
Master’s Assignment Rubric (M.DL.R.DA.P.) v.3
Master’s Assignment Rubric (M.DL.R.DA.P.) v.3
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates a Conceptual Understanding
Provides a thorough response to the assignment prompt and demonstrates a real-world application.
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Clearly addressed all elements of the assignment. B. Demonstrated real world application.
8.4 to >6.9 pts
A. Addressed most of the elements of the assignment. B. Demonstrated marginal realworld application.
6.9 to >0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
A. Somewhat addressed the elements of the assignment. B. Demonstrated little to no realworld application.
0 pts
No submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis and Evaluation of Issues/Problems
Analyzes an issue/problem demonstrating a scholarly analysis, connection to theory/research, critical thinking, and the ability to draw conclusions.
20 to >16.9 pts
A. Clearly addressed the issue/problem. B. Exhibited scholarly analysis and evaluation. C. Established a solid connection to theory and/or research. D. Demonstrated critical thinking surrounding the issue/problem with depth and breadth. E. Formulated deep conclusion and/or implications.
16.9 to >13.0 pts
A. Addressed most of the issue/problem. B. Somewhat exhibited scholarly analysis and evaluation. C. Established some connection to theory and/or research. D. Demonstrated a superficial understanding of the issue/problem. E. Formulated surface level conclusion and/or implications.
13 to >0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
A. Many issues/problems not addressed. B. Exhibited little to no scholarly analysis and evaluation. C. Established little to no connection to theory and/or research. D. Demonstrated limited evidence of understanding the problem/issue. E. Formulated limited evidence of conclusion and/or implications.
0 pts
No submission
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Evidence
Uses scholarly references to use as evidence.
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Displayed a variety of scholarly references as evidence. B. Demonstrated use of scholarly literature and research beyond sources provided in the course.
8.4 to >6.9 pts
A. Displayed a marginal use of references. B. Demonstrated a marginal use of literature and research provided in the course.
6.9 to >0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
A. Displayed little to no use of references. B. Demonstrated little to no use of literature and research provided in the course.
0 pts
No submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome6 Skills: Data Literacy
Demonstrates an ability to derive meaningful information and application from data.
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Collects and organizes various kinds of data. B. Evaluates the accuracy and sufficiency of data. C. Critically analyzes data.
8.4 to >6.9 pts
A. Collects and organizes some of the expected data. B. Reviews the accuracy and sufficiency of data. C. Explains data.
6.9 to >0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
A. Collects limited data and/or organization is unclear. B. Draws incorrect conclusions about the accuracy and sufficiency of data. C. Lists data.
0 pts
No submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome6 Skills: Research
Demonstrates use and understanding of qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed methods research methodology.
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Identifies which kind of research to use for specific situations and decisions. B. Uses information effectively for specific purposes. C. Cites others’ research properly and gives credit for sources of ideas.
8.4 to >6.9 pts
A. Identifies which kind of research to use for specific situations and decisions with marginal accuracy. B. Uses information with marginal connection to specific purposes. C. Cites others’ research with minimal accuracy or gives some credit for sources of ideas.
6.9 to >0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
A. Incorrectly identifies which kind of research to use for specific situations and decisions. B. Ineffectively uses or does not use information for specific purposes. C. Cites others’ research incorrectly or does not credit sources of ideas.
0 pts
No submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome6 Skills: Data Analysis
Demonstrates use of data analysis and evidence to develop supportive school environments.
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Justifies decisions informed by data and evidence. B. Analyzes data to determine which are useful. C. Identifies meaningful patterns in data. D. Develops accurate and actionable conclusions.
8.4 to >6.9 pts
A. Explains decisions marginally informed by data and evidence. B. Reviews data to determine which are useful. C. Identifies patterns in data. D. Develops accurate conclusions without actionable items.
6.9 to >0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
A. Makes poorly informed decisions with limited or no use of data and evidence. B. Describes data. C. Incorrectly identifies patterns in data. D. Develops inaccurate conclusions, which may or may not be actionable.
0 pts
No submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome6 Skills: Professionalism
Demonstrates the application of professional dispositions, laws and policies, codes of ethics, and professional standards.
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Demonstrates appropriate and respectful interactions with others. B. Exhibits understanding of laws and policies. C. Demonstrates ethical behavior and decision making. D. Demonstrates self-control and appropriate emotional regulation. E. Accepts responsibility for decisions and actions.
8.4 to >6.9 pts
A. Demonstrates somewhat appropriate and respectful interactions with others. B. Exhibits marginal understanding of laws and policies. C. Demonstrates some ethical behavior and decision making. D. Demonstrates some self-control and appropriate emotional regulation. E. Accepts some responsibility for decisions and actions.
6.9 to >0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
A. Does not demonstrates appropriate and respectful interactions with others. B. Does not exhibit an understanding of laws and policies. C. Demonstrates limited ethical behavior and decision making. D. Demonstrates limited self-control and appropriate emotional regulation. E. Accepts limited responsibility for decisions and actions.
0 pts
No submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly Writing
Demonstrates graduate level writing and communication skills.
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Exceeded or met formal writing standards. B. Demonstrated correct grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling.
8.4 to >6.9 pts
A. Met or marginally met a basic level of formal writing. B. Demonstrated inconsistent use of grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling.
6.9 to >0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
A. Basic formal writing skills limited or not present. B. Demonstrated difficulty with grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling.
0 pts
No submission
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format
Demonstrates graduate-level formatting using APA rules.
10 to >8.4 pts
A. Demonstrated near perfect APA formatting.
8.4 to >6.9 pts
A. Demonstrated marginally correct APA formatting.
6.9 to >0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
A. Demonstrated limited correct APA formatting.
0 pts
No submission
10 pts
Total Points: 100
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