Posted: October 24th, 2022

Use the internet or a personal experience to write about an incident involving i

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Use the Internet or a personal experience to write about an incident involving incorrect fueling, an airplane wildlife strike, or poor aircraft parking. In 350 words or less and in your own words, summarize what happened and what could have been done to prevent the accident or incident. I want you to talk about prevention from a management perspective. For example if it was a fueling mishap, it is not enough to say the line crew should have paid more attention. The manager is ultimately responsible for incidents caused by the employees. It is up to that manager to make sure they don’t happen again. In this case, the manager could set up recurring training twice/year, develop a checklist that must be followed, require job shadowing, give rewards for no incidents, etc. I want more than a simple plan. If you choose the reward system, I want you to think critically just like a manager would be required to do and come up with a robust, detailed reward system and explain it. Hint: If you want to write about wildlife strikes, make sure the incident is within/very near the airport boundary and below 1500 feet or so. US Airways Flight 1549 is an example that some students like to use an example, but the aircraft struck geese almost 5 miles from the airport and at a height of 2800 feet. Bird strike mitigation procedures at the airport would not have necessarily prevented this bird strike. However, the high-profile accident did increase the public’s interest, and the aviation industry’s awareness, of the hazards of wildlife strikes.
Cite your sources using APA style formatting (this includes a personal experience). You must use at least one external source.

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