Posted: February 19th, 2022

Using 2-3 peer-reviewed scholarly sources on Eriksons psychosocial development, choose an adult television or movie character and identify and describe which stage of psychosocial development best fits the character

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The following research assignments pertain to the main topics and/or themes of the chapter. Please respond by writing a paper consisting of 13001500 words.
Using 2-3 peer-reviewed scholarly sources on Eriksons psychosocial development, choose an adult television or movie character and identify and describe which stage of psychosocial development best fits the character. Give specific examples of their behavior that demonstrate the stage.
1. cite your articles using APA style
2. This paper should have 3-4 paragraphs. I would suggest a paragraph related to describing your character or celebrity well, followed by a paragraph that briefly describes Erickson and the associated adult developmental stages, then a paragraph weighing evidence related to how your character/celebrity demonstrates those behaviors or characteristics, and a conclusion.
3. citations/references are on a separate page
4. use active voice and opt for verbs that end in “ed” when possible
5. consult with libarian if you are uncertain about “peer reviewed articles”

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