Posted: July 18th, 2022

Using either your current company as an example or one you have researched, provide a brief description of the company and identify the culture type (clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, market). Describe the company’s dominant attribute, leadership style, bonding, and strategic emphasis that support the culture type you identified. What are some common ways this organization conveys its culture?

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Using either your current company as an example or one you have researched, provide a brief description of the company and identify the culture type (clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, market). Describe the company’s dominant attribute, leadership style, bonding, and strategic emphasis that support the culture type you identified. What are some common ways this organization conveys its culture? In your conclusion, recommend one area you believe the company could strengthen related to their culture. Support your recommendation.
I just need to provide a five-minute video presentation. I just need this information answered for only ONE company

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