Posted: June 24th, 2022

Using the job descriptions, strategic objectives, and performance competencies in the HRM health care challenge’s scenario, prepare a 4-page report for Vila Health’s senior leadership that conveys the results of your analysis to reduce the number of appraisal types used for physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.

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4203: Selecting a Performance Appraisal
Overview: 4 pages (1,100 words)
At least 4 SCHOLARLY sources from peer-reviewed journal. (Any listed sources
can be used.)
APA7. (Any of the listed sources can be used.)
· Using the job
descriptions, strategic objectives, and performance competencies in the HRM
health care challenge’s scenario, prepare a 4-page report for Vila Health’s
senior leadership that conveys the results of your analysis to reduce the
number of appraisal types used for physicians, nurse practitioners, and
physician assistants.
· For this assessment, you
will examine the HRM health care challenge of restructuring Vila Health’s
current performance evaluation systems and guide the organization to the best
performance appraisal type for physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician
assistants. HR professionals must effectively manage employee performance
management in a field that has become highly specialized and offers a wide
variety of professional roles that vary in terms of educational and
experiential requirements.
· Introduction
o A
challenge that all organizations face is how to master employee performance
management. Health care is a field that has become highly specialized and
offers a wide variety of professional roles, which have things in common but
vary in terms of educational and experiential requirements. While physicians,
nurse practitioners, and physician assistant roles are similar in skill sets,
they vary in levels of responsibility and accountability for patient care and
the health sustainment of the patient over time.
o Physicians
assess patient conditions, evaluate patient illnesses or injuries, order
diagnostic tests, interpret test results, and create treatment plans.
Medication may be prescribed or other treatment options determined. This may
include referrals for patients who need more specialized care.
o Nurse
practitioners prepare and maintain health records, examine and treat patients,
and collaborate with physicians on diagnosis and care. They may also write
prescriptions, order medical testing, and educate patients and families.
o Physician
assistants are typically the primary care provider in urban, suburban, and
rural family practices. They are involved in all aspects of patient care,
including physical examinations, treatment plans, prescribing medications,
ordering and interpreting laboratory tests and diagnostic studies. Primary
responsibilities of PAs include acute care with a strong emphasis on preventative
health care. · HRM Health Care Challenge
o Vila
Health is working to engage all medical staff to move into a health care
outcomes framework that seeks to support long-term wellness for all clients.
This goal requires a restructuring of current performance evaluation systems.
The current performance appraisal system is made up of three different
appraisal types for each health provider role. Vila Health’s leadership has
decided to get assistance from you, working as an external contractor, to help
guide the organization to the best performance appraisal type for physicians,
nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.
o You
know that it’s important to your analysis to understand an organization’s
strategic objectives, and Vila Health’s primary care provider strategic
objectives include:
1. Improve the patient care
experience. 2. Reduce the cost of
3. Minimize re-admission to
healthcare facilities. 4. Improve timeliness of
o Exploring
a framework of evaluation before beginning your work is also key. Regardless of
sources of performance information, decisions need to be made about the context
of the information to be obtained in a performance appraisal (Fried, 2015).
Therefore, common competencies of evaluation included in performance appraisals
are the following:
· Employee Behaviors:
General characteristics such as the ability to work in teams and leadership
skills. 1. Employee actions
influencing clinical outcomes: These include minimizing re-admissions and
reducing follow-up visits. 2. Patient satisfaction:
Customer service skills which support and make the patient experience
extraordinary. 3. Financial controls and
objectives: Effectively reduce the cost of healthcare.
4. Communication with peers
and patients: Engages both patient and family in an environment of diversity
and inclusion.
· Instructions
o Using
the job descriptions, strategic objectives, and performance competencies above,
prepare a report for Vila Health’s senior leadership that conveys the results
of your analysis to reduce the number of appraisal types used for these medical
workers. Include the following:
1. Analyze which performance
competencies support the organizational objectives.
· How do the competencies
relate to the strategic objectives?
2. Based on the job
descriptions provided for physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician
assistants, analyze how each health care role influences the organizational
· How could a performance
appraisal system support the evaluation and feedback needed for each role?
3. Recommend a type of
performance appraisal that meets organizational needs and assesses performance
competencies for this scenario.
What appraisal type
fits for these three health care roles? (e.g., traditional approach,
self-appraisal, peer review, 360-degree feedback)

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