Posted: July 22nd, 2022

Values and Corporate Ethics

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In this journal, you will apply your learning regarding the unit concepts responding in posting of a minimum of 200 words in the textbox. Make sure to spell and grammar check your response before submitting your post.
Journal: Values and Corporate Ethics
Organizations have been focusing more on their values and ethical conduct statements after the debacles concerning unethical behavior which brought down many companies over the last twenty years. In addition, there has been increasing public attention placed on organizations’ social responsibility. As a result, most organizations have a values statement and/or corporate code of conduct or code of ethics located on their websites usually in the “About Us” or some similar section.
Choose a large corporation website to review the company’s values statement and their Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct and report back the following:
Explain how the corporation’s values are infused into their Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct.

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