Posted: February 23rd, 2022

visit the U.S. EEOC website. The EEOC plays a main function in employment cases in the United States.

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Prior to beginning this assignment, visit the U.S. EEOC website. The EEOC plays a main function in employment cases in the United States. For this assignment, you will locate a recent EEOC case within the last two years and address the following elements:Explain the general functions and authority of the EEOC.
Provide a brief overview of the chosen EEOC case.
Evaluate the EEOC non-compliance issues related to the case.
Explain the procedures used by the EEOC in investigating and handling the case.
Analyze the potential sanctions/punishments that the EEOC may impose on the employer for non-compliance.
The Equal Opportunity in Employment PaperMust be three to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text.The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
Requirements: 3 -5 pages

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