Posted: May 3rd, 2022

Walmart Stores – Using Internal Mediation Sessions To Resolve Common Daily Conflicts.

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Please choose a management issue and business and that you would like to analyze. You will want to ensure that you are able to find research that supports the analysis of the business. The goal is for you to choose a project that is meaningful to you.
The project Topis is “Walmart Stores – Using Internal Mediation Sessions To Resolve Common Daily Conflicts.
My introductory Comments: To help you answer the questions below; I chose this topic because I work part time at Walmart and I have two kids who also work there
full time. I would like to assist Walmart leaders in creating an culture whereby all Walmart associates can share an environment that is conducive to continued growth and career advancement and free of undue stress; an environment where they are offered the opportunity to have a voice and learn how to resolve issues in a respectful and reasonable manner. On a daily basis, there is constant conflict among associates and management that sometimes go unresolved and later leads to much larger issues; resignations or firing; undue stress on other associates; unhealthy work environment for associates; turbulence and decrease in productivity within subsections of the strore or the entire store; inconvenienced customers; higher turnover in staff; decreased profits; and in some instances violence.
Instructions: Having read my introductory comments above regarding the Topic, please expound on the questions below in detail.
Your first milestone should include the following:
The business you chose and “why” you chose it. What is the topic or issue that you will research for this business?
The challenges you anticipate you might encounter while solving the issues you have identified in the project.
The strategies you will employ to overcome these potential barriers.
This assignment should be 3 to 4 pages in length, include evidence-based research, and be formatted following APA guidelines.

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