Posted: September 1st, 2022

Waste Management faces serious changes in its environment. Both corporations and consumers are reducing the amount of waste they generate, and they are also increasing the number of goods they recycle. These trends challenge Waste Management since the high cost of collecting and sorting recyclable materials means that Waste Management loses money when it recycles them. What can the company do to meet increased customer expectations on one hand, while still finding a way to earn a profit on high-cost, recycled materials?

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Waste Management faces serious changes in its environment. Both corporations and consumers are reducing the amount of waste they generate, and they are also increasing the number of goods they recycle. These trends challenge Waste Management since the high cost of collecting and sorting recyclable materials means that Waste Management loses money when it recycles them. What can the company do to meet increased customer expectations on one hand, while still finding a way to earn a profit on high-cost, recycled materials?
Activity Instructions
Review and address the following questions:
Should Waste Management take on its critics and fight back, or should it focus on its business and let the results speak for themselves?
Should it view environmental advocates as a threat or an opportunity for the company?
Like at Subaru and Walmart, corporate leaders worldwide are committed to reducing the waste produced by their companies. Since that represents a direct threat to Waste Management’s landfill business, what steps could it employ to take advantage of the trend toward zero waste that might allow it to continue growing company revenues?
Tips for Success
Be sure to review the required resources this week, as they will help to create the knowledge needed to effectively address the assignment.
Ask your instructor any questions for clarity.
Remember to format your assignment according to proper APA guidelines. See the Understanding APA and Academic Writing website for guidance.
Writing and Submission Requirements
3 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page
Apply at least 3 concepts from Chapter 3 into your summary.
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page with topic and name of student
References page with minimum of 2 references and 1 reference can be your textbook
For standard requirements, review the Discussion and Written Assignment Expectations.

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