Posted: February 24th, 2022

watch: Dr. T’s ADLs During Breakfast

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watch: Dr. T’s ADLs During Breakfast
answer the following questions;
Anatomy of the joints – provide a detailed anatomy of all joints involved in the occupational performance
For each joint you need to:
Include type of joint – structural and functional classification
All motions available and what plane and axis for each fundamental movement of that joint. IMPORTANT: Differentiate all motions utilized in the occupational performance you are analyzing by using a different, bold font color or highlighting on the chart.
Identify the major muscle groups/prime movers that surround and act on each joint, as well as ligaments that support the joint.
Identify the type of force for each movement utilized in the occupational performance you are analyzing
Identify the type of muscle contraction required for each movement in the occupational performance you are analyzing.
Identify the type of biomechanical lever required for each joint/movement in the occupational performance you are analyzing.

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