Posted: September 1st, 2022

Watch the Fyre Festival video and try to identify all of the different ways this organization failed ethically and socially.

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Watch the Fyre Festival video and try to identify all of the different ways this organization failed ethically and socially. Mini Paper Details: Write up a mini paper with 1-2 pages of content (3-4 page with cover page and reference page) Must be in APA format APA_Paper_Template.doc Download APA_Paper_Template.doc Do not forget to use in paper citations for information that is not your own and is not first hand knowledge. For example if you said that the founder of Telsa is Elon Musk that probably does not need a citation but if you were to say Elon Musk founded Tesla in in 2004 this would need a cite as you probably had to look up the year. Example of an in paper citation…. end of sentence (author, year). Example of an in paper citation with a quote… end of sentence (author, year).” Here is the reference for this post: ABC News. (January 23, 2019). Fyre Festival failures showcased in dueling documentaries.[Video File].
YouTube. (Links to an external site.) DO not forget cover page and ref page please!

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