Posted: July 9th, 2022

Watch the movie, About Schmidt, read the HBR chapter by Peter Drucker on “Managing Oneself,” and watch the lecture. About Schmidt is a case study of a man, Warren Schmidt, at the end of his career who apparently has not managed himself or made his life meaningful.

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Description of the Assignment:
Refer to what your instructor wants you to do and/or to submit, as detailed below in the Deliverables section. Include the real-world (authentic) situation, type of task to be accomplished, and the sorts of higher-order thinking (analysis, reasoning, critical thinking, etc.) that were requested and/or shared throughout your course thus far.
This is your Signature Assignment and covers CLOs 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, & 11
Watch the movie, About Schmidt, read the HBR chapter by Peter Drucker on “Managing Oneself,” and watch the lecture. About Schmidt is a case study of a man, Warren Schmidt, at the end of his career who apparently has not managed himself or made his life meaningful.
Write a 4 to 6-page paper (not including your cover page or reference page/s) considering the following: 1. If Drucker and Schmidt were having coffee… what might they talk about?
2. What advice might Drucker give to a younger Schmidt? 3. What might Schmidt have done differently in his life so that his life would continue to have meaning? 4. Try to apply MLA principles to Schmidt’s dilemma of finding himself lost, with no societal function.
5. Besides the video, provide at least three (3) outside reliable sources in your paper.
6. Review the course material and integrate this thought into your paper (cite this as well).
You might say that this paper will try to answer the age-old question of, “What is the meaning of life?” The cover page and reference page/s are not included in the above-stated page requirement. These should be in addition to page requirements.
Papers need to be formatted in proper APA 7th Edition style.
Each paper requires a minimum of at least three outside peer-reviewed sources for your references (unless stated otherwise in the guidance above).
o Acceptable/credible sources include: Academic journals and books, industry journals, and the class textbook. To include additional types of sources, please review the “Guidelines for finding and utilizing required references for your paper,” shared below.
Using your textbook is highly recommended to demonstrate that you have read the required material and/or are connecting new thoughts to the course text/learnings.

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