Posted: October 3rd, 2022

. Watch the “Sourcing Strategy at Starwood” video 2. Starwood: Supply Chain Strategy on Vimeo.

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For the Week 7 Skill Building Activity, you will complete the following steps: 1. Watch the “Sourcing Strategy at Starwood” video 2.
Starwood: Supply Chain Strategy on Vimeo.
3. Review the “Sourcing Strategy at Starwood” video case on page 574. (See Attached) 4. Respond with answers to the questions using your critical thinking and moral reasoning skills. If you are asked to draw an illustrative figure such as a chart, graph, or diagram, please do so and upload your document/s with your responses. Refer to your uploaded document/s in your responses, e.g., Question 2: See attached MS PowerPoint presentation for my detailed flowchart of the Ice Cream making process.

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