Posted: July 28th, 2022

Watch the two public service announcements related to texting and driving. Think about how you react to the ads and why. Apply the Elaboration Likelihood model to your explanation of how you reacted to the two ads. Who do you think the ads are targeting? Why?

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Journal | Graded
Watch the two public service announcements related to texting and driving. Think about how you react to the ads and why. Apply the Elaboration Likelihood model to your explanation of how you reacted to the two ads. Who do you think the ads are targeting? Why?
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Dexter McCluster Texting and Driving Commercial
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The weekly journal assignments require you to reflect on the topic and how it relates to you. Hopefully, you will recognize how much marketing and consumer behavior surround our daily lives. The journals will only be read by me, so feel free to express your own opinions and thoughts. In addition to responding to the weekly journal prompt, search for additional information from articles, the textbook, even friends, relatives and coworkers to really explore the topic. Your journal entry should be a minimum of 250 words and citations must be in APA format. You must support your writing with information from the textbook or other, academically sourced material.

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