Posted: July 22nd, 2022

we are researching Philippines, please make sure each bullet point is discussed with credible course

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we are researching Philippines, please make sure each bullet point is discussed with credible course
We are writing on expanding into another country , Amazon ring door bell if it’s viable. However that is just the background so I need to answer the following bullet points first
How do people react to strangers? Are they friendly? Hostile? Reserved?
How do people greet each other? What are the appropriate manners when entering a room? Bow? Nod? Hand Shake?
How do you typically approach the home of a friend? A relative? A stranger?
Do you knock on a door? Is there even typically a door?
What are the attitudes towards contact or personal space? (I think this question would be important, because it will demonstrate whether or not it seems normal for there to be a doorbell which people must press in order to enter a personal space.)

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