Posted: November 12th, 2022

What about the observation is related to global business strategy?

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The following 4 programs that have been randomly assigned to you. Dropbox, Lululemon, TRX, The Knot
1. Dropbox
2. TRX: Randy Hetrick
3. Lululemon Athletica: Chip Wilson Links to an external site.
4. The Knot: Carley Roney & David Liu
For each program has been assigned, you need to submit a 2-page reflection paper. Each 2-page reflection will have 4 parts, i.e. First page (2 parts) and Second page (2 parts). Your submission should be I Arial 11 point font, 1.5 spaced-lines, 1 inch margins on all four sides.
You only have to select one from the four article to do this
First Page: Identify TWO observations the entrepreneur makes (specify the time in the audio mm:ss that the observation arises. Explain why you think EACH observation is important. What about the observation is related to Global Business Strategy?
Second Page: Identify TWO strategy (DO NOT OVERLAP WITH First Page) concepts from the assigned readings in the class. You may pick any of the readings in the class including those that have as yet not been discussed in class up until that point in the quarter. Explain how each strategy concept relates to the success (or failure) of the entrepreneur or their firm.
please only use source that was provided

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