Posted: October 2nd, 2022

What are 2 areas of concern in relation to SCM and customer service regarding this issue?

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This is a 4 part paper. Please label each writing portion based on the writing part.
Discussion post 1.
Part 1. See attached powerpoint labeled weekly chapter notes for discussion post. Use that information to respond to the discussion post. No cited sources are allowed. You have to summarize discussion. (Part 1 and part 2 are the same assigment)
initital Discussion for part 1: Explain the three reasons underlying the fact that meetings are a source of frustration and loss of work time Please write 2 paragraphs 4-5 minimum sentences each.
Part 2. Once the discussion response is given from part 1, I will have 2 discussion post to respond to. This part will be granted an extension date on 9/30/2022 once Part 1 is received. Each response must be responded to in a min of 4-5 sentences.
Part 3 will be attached. See attached and discuss.
Discussion part 4.
Read the linked or attached article on Fast food packaging & trays and SCM/operational concerns.
The article will be attached saved as part 4
Please discuss the following
What are 2 areas of concern in relation to SCM and customer service regarding this issue?
How has the last 18 months impacted paper manufacturers and how did that trickle down to consumers?
Discuss at length with citations.

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