Posted: August 5th, 2022

What are Home Depot’s major customer segments? What do these segments value today and how might expectations change in the future? How does Home Depot position itself for these customer segments?

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please read the case atteched and answer the questions below. Omnichannel Retailing Home Depot Questions
What are Home Depot’s major customer segments? What do these segments value today and how might expectations change in the future? How does Home Depot position itself for these customer segments?
Who are Home Depot’s major competitors? How does the company compete with traditional brick-and-mortar retailers vs. online-only retailers?
What role should online channels fill? What role should brick and mortar channels fill? How should Home Depot best leverage the distinct characteristics of the online and instore channels to gain competitive advantage?
What are the current challenges and future considerations for Home Depot in providing a seamless customer experience? What are the implications for the different functional areas (marketing, finance, purchasing, warehousing, transportation, store operations)? How should the company prioritize future investments and why?

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